Global Fixed Income Fund CHF Hedged

The Mondrian Global Fixed Income Fund (the Fund) aims to generate current income consistent with the preservation of principal. The Fund intends to invest primarily in a global portfolio of fixed and/or floating rate debt securities denominated in any currency and issued by governmental and supranational issuers located throughout the world that may provide the potential for capital appreciation.

Fund Overview

The Mondrian Global Fixed Income Fund (the Fund) aims to generate current income consistent with the preservation of principal. The Fund intends to invest primarily in a global portfolio of fixed and/or floating rate debt securities denominated in any currency and issued by governmental and supranational issuers located throughout the world that may provide the potential for capital appreciation. The debt securities the Fund invests in will generally be rated BBB- or better by Standard & Poor’s or Baa3 or better by Moody’s Investors Service or if unrated, be deemed to be of comparable quality by the Investment Manager. The Fund may invest in a broad range of debt securities, including government, municipal, sovereign and supranational bonds and other debt securities, instruments and obligations issued by governments, their agencies, instrumentalities or political subdivisions and supranational entities. Types of bonds the Fund may invest in but is not limited to are zero coupon bonds and inflation-linked bonds.

Investment Philosophy


Swiss Prospectus
Account Opening Form
Annual Report
Interim Report
Swiss Annual Report
Fund Supplement
UK Country Supplement

Fund Facts

Bloomberg Ticker MOGFIBH
Sedol BMHJY34
Ongoing Charge1 0.595%
Management Fee 0.45%
Benchmark FTSE WGBI Hedged CHF
Fund Inception Date November 23, 2016
Performance Inception Date December 12, 2022
Entry/Exit Charge 0.0%/ 0.0%
Min. Initial Investment CHF 5,000,000
Min. Subsequent Investment CHF 1,000,000
Fund Base Currency EUR
Share Class Base Currency CHF
Hedged Yes
Accumulation or Income Accumulation
Fund Size EUR 99.3 million
Share Class Size CHF 22.9 million
Morningstar Rating™2 N/A

1“The Ongoing Charge is estimated and includes the management fee and administrative expenses. The Ongoing Charge includes an administrative expenses cap of 0.145%. This cap does not include transaction related expenses and any non-recurring expenses.”

2©2024 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.

Fund ratings represent an opinion only and are not a recommendation to buy or sell any fund.

News & Insights

Matt Day, Senior Portfolio Manager

Video: US Dollar Overvaluation – A Historical Perspective

Watch as Senior Portfolio Manager, Matt Day, explores the overvaluation of the US Dollar from a historical perspective.
View article Video: US Dollar Overvaluation – A Historical Perspective
Texture 7

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Matt Day, Senior Portfolio Manager

Video: Global Disinflation Continues

In this video, Senior Portfolio Manager Matt Day explores how disinflation is shaping the global economy in 2024.
View article Video: Global Disinflation Continues

How to Invest

To invest in the fund, please download and read through the documents below and fill out the Account Opening Form.

KIID Document
Fund Supplement
Account Opening Form

You can buy or sell shares daily (but not on weekends or bank holidays in the UK or Ireland). Orders to buy can be made by submitting a request by 5:00p.m. (Irish time), 3 business days in advance, to the administrator. Orders to sell can be made by submitting a request by 5:00p.m. (Irish time) 2 business days in advance to the administrator.

Mondrian Funds plc
C/o Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited
Investor Services Department
George’s Court
54-62 Townsend Street
Dublin 2

Share Class Literature

PRIIP Performance Scenario

Sustainability-related Disclosures

SFDR Sustainability Policy

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Suite 620
Radnor, PA 19087 
United States

Non-North American Investors

Tenth Floor
Sixty London Wall
London EC2M 5TQ
United Kingdom


6 Battery Road
Unit 27–04

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