PRY Dispersion Supports High Active Bond Positioning

Central to Mondrian’s fixed income process is a measure called the Prospective Real Yield (PRY). A market’s PRY is defined as its 10-year government bond yield minus our proprietary inflation forecast for that market and sovereign credit risk. The dispersion of PRYs is currently at a 10-year peak in developed markets, as seen in the chart below. Therefore, we believe it is crucial to take an active approach and be highly selective with country positioning for global bond portfolios. When dispersions are wide it can signal dislocations in the market. We aim to exploit these anomalies.

Using our approach, the most attractively valued markets are currently Mexico, New Zealand, UK, and the US. Mondrian is now significantly overweight these markets, while underweight Japan. We monitor PRYs closely and appropriately position the portfolio as changes occur.


PRY Dispersion 

Central to Mondrian’s fixed income process is a measure called the Prospective Real Yield (PRY). A market’s PRY is defined as its 10-year government bond yield minus our proprietary inflation forecast for that market and sovereign credit risk.




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The information was obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed and it may be incomplete or condensed. It should not be assumed that investments made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any security referenced in this paper. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. An investment involves the risk of loss. The investment return and value of investments will fluctuate.

Mondrian Investment Partners Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference Number: 149507). Mondrian Investment Partners Limited is also registered as an Investment Adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission (registration does not imply any level of skills or training).

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