International Equities

Mondrian’s International Equity team is comprised of nine investment professionals based in London, UK. Our portfolio managers take pointed views at both the market and security level. Each team member is assigned country and sector research responsibilities. We employ a consensus driven decision making process with the head of the team having the casting vote. Extensive dialogue amongst the group is paramount to ensure a consistent valuation approach.

Why Mondrian for International Equities?

We are a value-oriented defensive manager – we invest in stocks where rigorous dividend discount analysis isolates value in terms of the long-term flow of dividends

* 2023 PRI Assessment Scores: Policy, Governance & Strategy: 4 Stars; Direct-Listed equity-Active fundamental: 5 Stars; Direct-Fixed income–SSA: 5 Stars; Direct-Fixed income–Corporate: 5 Stars; Confidence Building Measures: 4 Stars.  Please refer to for the PRI assessment methodology. Mondrian’s full Assessment Report and Transparency Report may be requested via the PRI Data Portal. PRI = Principles for Responsible Investments.

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North American Investors

201 King of Prussia Road
Suite 620
Radnor, PA 19087 
United States

Non-North American Investors

Tenth Floor
Sixty London Wall
London EC2M 5TQ
United Kingdom


6 Battery Road
Unit 27–04