As a value investor with a long-term investment horizon, Mondrian’s forward-looking methodology is also applied internally within our organization to include a long-term plan for operational climate change mitigation. In addition to offsetting our current carbon footprint, we have long-term plans to reduce our carbon footprint.
Since 2020, Mondrian has aimed to offset 200% of emissions generated across our global operations each year.
Each year an independent third-party audit is conducted, we partner with a carbon offsetting project, and our operational emissions offset is certified.
We partnered with 9 smallholder farmers in the Madriz and Nueva Segovia Departments of Nicaragua to offset our global operation emissions, resulting in:
Numbers of trees planted
Tonnes of CO2 sequestered
m2 of land regenerated
Smallholder farmers partnership
Farmer training workshops
Offsetting impact data source: Taking Root
Learn more about Mondrian's Operational Carbon Offsetting initiative